How Safe are Second-hand Cars?

Le Le Carr
4 min readMay 23, 2021


The automobile industry has changed rapidly in the past decade or so, and car prices have skyrocketed through the roof. As new cars get more expensive every year, people are finally motivated to buy a second hand car in Mumbai. Apart from being high-value purchases, the car’s life span severely deteriorated, and there are hardly any good deals for reused cars.

Most users would agree that buying a second hand car in Ahmedabad is more beneficial for first-time buyers who want to upgrade from public transportation and two-wheelers. Or even if someone wants to buy another mode of transportation. However, the question remains: is it safe? As per studies, for every three new cars sold in India, every four used cars exchange owners. If the fact remains a fact, we can safely say that the used automobile industry is a safe place after all.

You can drive tension-free

Unlike the thrill that comes with a brand-new car, driving a second hand car in Mumbai is a more relaxing experience. For one thing, you do not have to worry about scratching or denting a second-hand vehicle and take it out on long journeys. Apart from commuting to work, you can take your car through congested traffic, mountain roads, and the beach simply because you wanted to. In most of these cases, people would pick public transportation over travelling in their new car. On the other hand, you would break the tradition.

Slower depreciation

Every car has its lifespan, but best value second hand cars depreciate more slowly than a new car. A vehicle usually faces its first issue after three years, which has passed by when you are buying a second hand car in Pune. This means that you will buy the vehicle at a much lower price when it has only reached its depreciation peak.

Save time and money

A new car loses its ‘brand-new’ status as soon as you take it out from the showroom, and it loses about ten per cent of its original purchase price. On the other hand, you will pay a lot less than the car’s selling price — saving you money in the end. Of course, the price depends on the kilometres and the year of manufacture. You should buy an old car model at the price-segment, and get a much better car than you could have expected.

Less insurance

The insurance of a used car is far lower than that of a new car, as it is devoid of additional clauses and taxes that contribute to its high pricing. If you can hire a car expert, they would tell you about the difference between the car’s On the Road (OTR) and showroom price. The savings are considerable, and you would receive the benefits that you would get in a new car.

Even when you want someone else to buy a second hand car online, you wouldn’t be at a loss. If you are still practising driving, buying a second hand car online in India might turn out to be more affordable and practical. Unless you are specifically looking for the latest car model in the new car market, a used car will suit almost everyone.

Can buy used cars from certified users

If you are scared that someone might dupe with a used car, there are ways to resolve your concerns. You do not need to depend on that calculating dealer, seller or salesman about the perfect used car. Instead, simply ask for the car’s certification. Trusted second hand car dealers in Mumbai are checked by qualified car engineers to ensure a smooth and legally binding purchasing experience and post-purchase warranties for used cars.

How to ensure safety when buying a used car?

Though buying a second hand car in Mumbai is easy and safe, you can incorporate the following steps into the buying process. Get the vehicle inspected by a trusted mechanic: get the repairs done by the seller or negotiate the original price. Check the insurance papers for potential cases of accidents or compensation due to the same. Look for the No Claim Bonus (NCB) percentage — the higher the mark, the better.

Check the car’s chassis number and engine number with the registration papers, along with its filters (oil, transmission, air and fuel). Also, check the tyres, brakes, hoods for weird noises, vibration, wear-and-tear, dents, and rust. Work your way through the registration certificate, insurance papers, original purchase invoice and No Objection Certificate (NOC) and road service tax books, Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate and bi-fuel certification to check for existing loans and defaulters.

Therefore, buying second hand cars in Mumbai has become simple, affordable and effective. If you are looking for second hand cars in Mumbai for sale below 2 lakhs, contact us at LeleCarrs.

